Unlock the next stage of your farm’s growth with Oceanfarmr Finance

“Using Oceanfarmr’s finance solutions meant that I was able to finish my 10 year growth plan 9 years early!

Chris Paschalidis of Pinnacle Oysters, Australia

Do you need cashflow to pay wages or unexpected bills but don’t want to use traditional high interest lending methods? We’ve got you covered.

Oceanfarmr Farm to Flow will buy a portion of your crop early to release cash. You will continue to farm the crop for us, & the sale of the crop pays out the deal. Like share farming. Simple & accessible. Apply today!

Want to scale up but don’t have the capital? Can’t get traditional loans or don’t want to risk that path?

Farm to Own allows to you expand your farm using your farm expertise. We'll supply the gear & the crop. You grow the crop. When it’s sold, your reward is ownership of the gear, & even a profit share! Think of it as a share farming agreement. It's that easy.