Thriving Farms,

Thriving Communities,

Thriving Ecosystems!

“There is an urgent need to restore the lost and degraded habitat of our coasts and estuaries. The most promising strategy is to restore the formerly great expanses of oysters.

Oysters are the key ecosystem engineers that can help rebuild biodiversity in these areas, providing habitat for depleted stocks of fish and other animals, reducing turbidity, improving sediment nutrient cycling, and removing anthropogenic nutrients."

- Dr Hugh Forehead

Oceanfarmr Global Impact

Past 12 months

  • Water Filtered - 534 Gigalitres (213,742 Olympic Pools)

  • Food Produced - 395 Tonnes

  • Marine Habitat Restored - 8.7 ha

  • CO2e Captured - 182 Tonnes

  • Nitrogen & Phosphorus Captured - 27 Tonnes

What is an Oceanfarmr Marine Ecosystem Certificate?

Our certificates are:

• Measurable through the Oceanfarmr App.

• Validated by GPS and photos to confirm existence with app compliance reporting.

• Currently being sold as sponsored data to enable Oceanfarmr Farm to Restore programs

• Algorithms and assumptions currently being reviewed and validated with University of Wollongong

• Stackable to allows us to account for the ecological values of each component, price each component and sell individual or combined components.

  • Action-based and outcomes-based to allow for protection of marine environments.

  • Action-based and outcomes-based to allow for regeneration of marine environments, value greater than a Protection Certificate.

  • Species diversity and species counts.

  • Capture of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the water.

  • Capture of carbon dioxide that is absorbed from the atmosphere and stored in the ocean.

  • Direct and Indirect economic benefit to the community.

How we Support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

Producing food from seaweed, mussels and oysters to feed the world.

Aquaculture farms produce efficient filter feeders that clean the water as they feed.

Creating employment for the farmer, which multiplies through the local economy by 2.07x.

Building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.

Promoting responsible consumption and production through its nature as regenerative aquaculture.

Capturing CO2. The ocean provides 50% of our oxygen and absorption of 90% of heat from climate change.

Restoring and protecting diverse marine habitats which increases marine biodiversity and boost microbial nutrient cycling.

You cannot have a healthy planet without a healthy ocean.

“What humans do over the next 50 years will determine the fate of all life on the planet.”

- Sir David Attenborough

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