Addressing the need for digitised day-to-day farm operations.

An ocean farmer’s journey.


Farming is a challenging business, let alone farming on the water.

The location, waves, wind, tide and weather all provide a unique challenge to any aquaculture farm.

Through time, experience, and sometimes sheer grit, an oyster farmer will customise their cultivation method and schedule tasks of grading, drying and selling, in order to solve the unique challenges of their farm location.

That is a lot of information for a farmer to remember.

But that’s exactly what most farmers do. The locations of thousands of oyster baskets, schedules of tasks, remembered by one person.

Our founder, Ewan McAsh has been an oyster farmer for over 16 years. Over that time he developed better cultivation methods, and established new premium markets for his farm. It was during this growth of the business that he discovered the magnitude of the issue he was facing: After years of farming he had created an environment where he was the only person who truly knew what to do, and when to do it.

All the history and the best practice was in his head, he had become trapped as a farm manager working in the business day-to-day. His efforts to grow the business became a burden, not an opportunity.

So in 2017, Oceanfarmr (originally SmartOysters) was founded, with the goal of ‘getting the farm out of the farmer’s head’ and ensuring that farm management was digital-ready.

Today, Oceanfarmr is recognised globally as an innovative and trustworthy solution for digital farm operations.

Take everyday operations out of your head and into your smartphone.